Use of Ivermectin to Control Ear Mites, Body Mites, and Roundworms in Catteries and Multiple Cat Environments by Lorraine Shelton Originally posted to the FanciersHealth Yahoogroup I’ve been getting lots of private requests for information on dosing ivermectin to treat ear mites, body mites and roundworms. Can you tell me what the dose is? WhatContinue reading Ivermectin for Internal and External Parasites – by Lorraine Shelton
Use of Ivermectin to Control Ear Mites, Body Mites, and Roundworms in Catteries and Multiple Cat Environments by Lorraine Shelton Originally posted to the FanciersHealth Yahoogroup I’ve been getting lots of private requests for information on dosing ivermectin to treat ear mites, body mites and roundworms. Can you tell me what the dose is? WhatContinue reading Ivermectin for Internal and External Parasites – by Lorraine Shelton
Use of Baycox liquid or Marquis paste to control coccidiosis in catteries by Lorraine Shelton and Della Hengel Baycox (toltrazuril) is a new treatment that may actually cure coccidiosis, instead of just suppressing it. The drug is available in Canada, but not the US. Albon and Tribrissen are used for years to control coccidia infection,Continue reading Treating Coccidia
All I Know About Tritrichomonas Foetus – by Dave Condon, Highgait Cattery Since many of you may not be inclined to read all of this let me state here that the information I am giving is from material published by Dr Jody Gookin ( and email correspondences with her. Additionally the folks at BioMed andContinue reading Tritrichomonas Foetus – by Dave Condon