Cat Fancy is the one that is available on most newsstands. Contains monthly departments on health, behavior, nutrition, animal welfare, new product announcements, a show calendar, breeder ads, and classified ads. Feature articles are frequently light and entertaining. No show results.
Monthly. $25.97/year in U.S; $42/two years. Full color, good typography, but heavy on advertising. Circulation in 1994 was about 320,000. This magazine has been published since 1965. Because of the huge circulation, Cat Fancy also has the largest breeder advertising section.
Postage outside US: Canada, add $10.50/year for postage and GST. Foreign: add $16/year for surface delivery, or $28/year for airmail.
Features on kitten care (health, behavior, general), a photo contest, separate features on selected common breeds and selected rare ones usually linked by theme (e.g. rex breeds, spotted breeds, tail-challenged breeds etc), info about paperwork accompany pedigree kitten, general features e.g. travel tips. Comprehensive breeder listing by breed and a large 'gallery' of breeder ads which sometimes includes experimental breeds.
Cover price (US dollars): $6.95 - newsstands and stores
To obtain it outside USA you either need a contact in USA or a good line in hassle! They used to do mail order by credit card, but if they do allow you to buy by mail order they require check/money order/bank draft in US funds - and by prior arrangement with distribution dept! However, the content and presentation makes this worthwhile.
Cats Magazine appears to be competing with Cat Fancy for the same audience, but Cats Magazine has a distinctly different style. Contains monthly departments on health, behavior, books, and legal matters, an article featuring a different breed each month, feature articles, new product announcements, a show calendar, breeder ads, and classified ads.
Monthly. Full color, good typography (but wildly varying styles). Circulation in 1993 was about 165,000. This magazine has been published since 1951, but in the last two years the quality and volume of editorial content has increased noticeably, and they are making obvious efforts to expand circulation. Recently changed hands.
This magazine ran an excellent series on genetics, written by Don Shaw.
$19.97/year in the U.S. Canada add $5/year; rest of the world add $10/year.
Caters to the breeder/exhibitor exclusively. Circulation: about 8000. Contains articles on health, genetics, veterinary research, book reviews, and a breed feature. Also, the most complete show calendar anywhere (lists only dates for shows in Europe, but that's more than you'll find anywhere else).
Bi-monthly. $16.95/year in the U.S. This is a mom-and-pop operation, published since 1973. Layout and typography are rather crude, and there's no color except on the cover, but its printed on high-quality paper. The information content is high, and balanced coverage is given to the different associations. If you're looking for a "serious" periodical covering the fancy, this is it.
Cat World International frequently lists addresses for other publications and newsletters, including:
ACCA (The Abyssinian Cat Club of America) ACFA Bulletin (American Cat Fanciers Association) Aqua Eye (Tonkinese Breed Association) Bob-Tails (Japanese Bobtail Breeders Society) CASS (Canadian Abyssinian & Somali Society) CFF Newsletter (The Cat Fanciers' Federation) Cameo Corner (Cameo cat club) Cat Chat (Maryland Feline Society) Devon Rex! (Ellen V. Crockett) GSSF (Gulf Shore Siamese Fanciers (CFA)) Havana Happenings (International Havana Brown Society (CFA)) It's Coontime! (Rasclub Maine Coon (Netherlands)) NABF (North American Birman Fanciers (ACFA)) National Cat (Australia) New Zealand Cats (New Zealand) Notebook (Ralston Purina Co.) Paws Pause (Nevada SPCA) Siamese News Quarterly (Siamese Cat Society of America) The Bare Facts! (Sphynx newsletter) The Russian Blue Society (The Russian Blue Society (ACFA)) The Scratch Sheet (Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association) The TCA Newsletter (The Traditional Cat Association) UBCF Newsletter (United Burmese Cat Fanciers) USF (United Silver Fanciers (CFA)) Veterinary Viewpoints (Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine)
Cat World is a monthly magazine covering topics of general interest to cat lovers: behavior, health, stories, letters, cat care, celebrity cat owners, cryptozoology (mystery cats), wild cats, junior page. Plenty of color. 70-ish pages including centre-section pullout of breeder ads.
Monthly. Full color, on high-quality paper. Clear, consistent typography but somewhat cluttered layout. Well-written and always interesting, even if you don't live in the UK.
12 issues: UK 21 pounds Sterling, Europe/Eire 32 pounds, rest of world 47 pounds
Payment by check, postal order, international money order or bank draft in UK Sterling. Or by Access (now MasterCard), Visa, American Express or Diners Card (give card no. and expiration date). Payable to Cat World Ltd.
The Almanac is the official magazine of the Cat Fancier's Association. Contains monthly departments on recent CFA Grand Champions (photo feature), CFA show results, and a report from the Robert H. Winn Foundation (research in feline health). Usually contains a monthly breed feature, and lots of impressive breeder ads (some in color). Contains a CFA show calendar and various CFA official business.
Monthly. $25/year. Full-color, excellent typography (if you don't mind lots of fine print), printed on high quality paper. The Almanac is essential if you want to stay in touch with the world of CFA.
The Trend is the official magazine of The International Cat Association (TICA). Contains photos of TICA Supreme Grand Champions, TICA show results, classified ads, TICA show calendar, and TICA official business.
Bi-monthly. $10/year (introductory price). Subscription is included in TICA membership. No color, except on the cover; laser printer typography. The Trend is essential to exhibitors who are active on the TICA circuit.
This is the official magazine of the Canadian Cat Association (CCA). Contains show reports, cat-related articles, announcements of upcoming CCA shows, and advertisements. $30/year for Canadian readers; $35/year for others. Free to CCA members.
General cat lovers magazine, part of a European publishing group and
as such it is a translation of the French mag Atout Chat and the German
mag Geliebte Katze. Celebrity cat owners, historical cats/cat owners,
cat care, health, vet/behavior, special cats, photo pages, big cats,
breed features, junior page, focus on US cats, breeder/club ads.
(I consider it a bit 'cheap and cheerful' compared to Cat World)
80-ish pages, bimonthly.
Subscription info:
6 issues: UK 13.50, overseas 20.
12 issues: UK 27, overseas 40.
Payment by check, postal order, international money order, bank draft in UK Sterling or by Visa/Access credit cards. Payable to 'Contract Publishing Limited'.
(NB: This is the international subs address, the ads in the magazine quote a different address which is UK subscribers only; the address I've provided is valid for both UK and overseas.)
General mag, welfare, health, behavior, celebrity owners, short story, famous cats, special cats, bookshop page, product reviews, junior page, cats in the news page, breed features. 90-ish pages. Monthly. No annual.
12 issues: UK 22.80 Overseas Surface mail 30.00 Europe Airmail 32.00 Airmail Zone 1 44.00 Airmail Zone 2 44.00 Eire 32.00
Payment by check, international money order, postal order, bank draft in UK Sterling or by Visa/Access. Credit Card hotline is 01858-468888 weekdays 9 am-5 pm UK time. Payable to 'Your Cat'.
The bi-monthly journal of the Cats Protection League. 50 ish pages. Covers CPL news and news from around the branches, letters, focus on a branch each issue, photos, readers tales, vet/behavior/health feature, CPL branch directory and diary of CPL events around the country. The CPL is Britain's oldest and largest cat charity.
Annual rates: UK 10.00 (Sterling), Europe 15.00 (Sterling),
USA/Canada $15.00 (Dollars!), rest of world 20.00 (Sterling)
Payable to Cats Protection League.
This gives one year's membership of the CPL and 6 issues of magazine. Junior members (under 13 years) receive The Kitten and Junior News bi-monthly unless they otherwise request The Cat.
Many of the CPL local branches listed in The Cat produce their own newsletters which range from single-page news-sheets to 40-page newsletters for branch supporters, the frequency of these depends on the branch and varies from bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annually depending on the branch.
Weekly magazine, thin, mainly black/white and devoted entirely to breeder info, show results/show dates. show reports and suchlike. Has annual which I find more interesting than the magazine itself!
6 months without annual: UK 34.00, Europe/Eire 50.00, Non-Europe Surface Mail 50.00 Rest of World Airmail 65.00
6 months with annual: UK 40.00, Europe/Eire 57.00 Non-Europe Surface Mail 57.00 Rest of World Airmail 75.00
12 months without annual: UK 67.00, Europe/Eire 98.00 Non-Europe Surface Mail 98.00 Rest of World Airmail 130.00
12 months with annual: UK 75.00, Europe/Eire 105.00 Non-Europe Surface Mail 105.00 Rest of World Airmail 140.00
Check, international money order, bank draft, postal order in UK Sterling; all overseas payments must be made in Sterling and drawn on a British Bank. Payable to 'CATS'. Also Access/Visa.
Quarterly journal of this charity which is devoted to better veterinary knowledge, vet training, behavior knowledge, nutrition etc. Also some book reviews, letters, features on serious topics such as feral cats, cats and cat care abroad, news from around the FAB branches, updates on diseases and suchlike. Subscription confers annual membership of this charity.
Annual subscription: 15.00 Sterling Overseas subscribers - please send SASE (or FAX) for overseas rates
Subs run from March 1st, renewable annually on this date.
Bi-monthly all-breed magazine for Australia and New Zealand. Breed features, care features, readers' tales, breeder ads, vet column, photo pages, show roundup and show/registry/club news. Has annual and a diary listing Aus/NZ show dates for entire year.
6 issues: Aus Aus$24.00, NZ Aus$32.00, Rest of World Aus$47.00 6 + annual: Aus Aus$36.00, NZ Aus$47.00, Rest of world Aus$70.00
6 + diary: Australia Aus$36.00, New Zealand Aus$46.00 6 + diary + annual: Aus Aus$48.00, NZ Aus$61.00
Check/money order in Aus dollars to 'National Cat' Or bankcard, Visa, Mastercard
Quarterly Australian cat Journal which includes news from US, UK and NZ. All aspects of owning, breeding, showing, health, book reviews, breed features and other articles.
Annual subscription: Aus$39.80
Check (it doesn't say who it's payable to!), international money order, bank draft or Visa/mastercard.
NZ Cats Yearbook Editor: Twink McCabe 49 Chatham Avenue R.D. 3 Albany, New Zealand.
The bi-monthly editions of NZ Cats are reported to be rather dull. No subscription info - please write to the Circulation Officer for details, including how to pay.
The Year book is apparently much better and costs NZ$20. Once again, you'll need to write to find out how to pay, airmail costs etc.
Quarterly magazine for Maine Coon owners, breeders, exhibitors anyone else who just loves MCs! I pick my copies up at UK shows and I don't even own a Maine Coon (yet :-)).
Subscription info - prices Sterling
Annual rate: UK 15.00 Europe 18.00 USA, Canada, Central/South America, HK, Middle East, Africa, India 20.00 Aus, NZ, Japan, Pacific and rest of world 28.00
Payment in Sterling, overseas subscribers are encouraged to pay by Visa, Mastercard or by Travellers Checks made out in Sterling, also Bank Draft. Payable to MCI Group.
Black/white, good quality paper and generally clear layout. Contains CA matters and notice-board, show classes and fees information, winning cats photo feature, general features (e.g. on visits to catteries/shows abroad or a breed feature), letters, reports from the board, club news and a breeder's directory. Some of my earlier copies were on glossy paper.
Price per issue is 1.50 (sterling)
I don't have a cover price of subscription rate so presumably is part of the FIFe subscription. My copy is in English language. You can pick back-issues up at some FIFe shows.
Full-sized bi-monthly magazine. Included in subscription is a large yearly Persian Breeder Directory, Cattery Name Cross Reference and Index to Back Issues. Size 60-92 pages. Focus is on the breeder and topics include medical news (divided into 7 specialities), breeding, cattery management, grooming, showing, novice help, show coverage, show/breeder/new-show-cat info, genetics, environmental interaction, surveys of breeders, buying and selling cats, features on prominent breeders and best-of-colour cats. Aimed primarily at Persian enthusiasts, but the wide range of topics covered are applicable to any cat or breeder regardless of breed affiliation.
Subscription info: 6 article packages on popular subjects and all back issues available.
Rates (US dollars): US: $39 bulk, $60 FC Rest of World (Surface) $55 Airmail Canada, Mex, S America $62 Airmail Europe $72 Airmail Rest of World $80
Payment by Visa/Mastercard, checks/money orders/bank drafts in US funds with bank imprint on lower left.
Quarterly: Jan, April, July, October. Every issue includes medical articles, breeders profiles exclusively written for the magazine, photos of Exotics and Persians. Readership is worldwide.
Costs US $35 per 4 issues. For information please e-mail Anna Lange.
French language magazine, many of articles are same as those in All About Cats (though not necessarily appearing same month). Also genetics info regular feature/question page. If your preferred language is French this may be more accessible than the English language magazines listed above. The latest subscription info I have is June 1995, so it might be worthwhile writing to them for current rates.
12 issues: France 220F, overseas 300F (airmail 430F) 24 issues: France 420F, overseas 530F (airmail 730F)
Payment: par cheque ou mandat a l'ordre de ATOUT CHAT - CCP No 3441068 G Centre La source
German equivalent of Atout Chat and All About Cats. I don't have subscription details, but if your preferred language is German this may be more accessible than the English magazines noted above. I don't have an address, but you might be able to obtain details from their sister publication All About Cats.
Costs DEM 66 in Germany, DEM 78 abroad. There is a subscription form in the magazine. It is published by 1. DEKZV e.V., Berliner str. 13, D-35614 Asslar, Germany. Payment may be done to their bank account Sparkasse Wetzlar 20 005 674 (BLZ 515 500 35). Bimonthly.
Despite its name, it is in German. Published by Minerva-Verlag, P.O.Box 10 0625, D-41706 Viersen, Germany. It costs DEM 26 + an unspecified amount additional costs to abroad.
Another more serious magazine. It is published by Symposion Verlag, PO Box 1040 D-65836 Salzbach/Taunus, Germany. The cost is DEM 70 + DEM 36 for subscriptions outside Germany. Unlike the previous two, this is a monthly publication.
Produced by the Finnish FIFe member, 5 numbers a year. "Kissa" is in principle orderable separately from cat club membership, for FIM 138, but they do not list any subscription price for abroad. Apparently only available to the members of Finnish cat clubs - fees range from FIM 80 to FIM 120/year, but according to FIFe rules it is not possible to belong to a foreign FIFe club if there is a FIFe member in your own country.
A commercial magazine, rather low quality and likened to Geliebte Katze, approx. bimonthly. Published by Karprint Ky at FIN-03510 Huhmari, Finland. The subscription costs FIM 160 a year, no information of foreign subscriptions listed.