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San Diego County Survey
Bibliography/Reference List

1. Johnson KJ, Lewellen L, Lewellen J. "National Pet Alliance's Survey Report on Santa Clara County's Pet Population." The CFA Almanac. Jan. 1994.
2. California Department of Finance, Population Research Unit. California Cities, Towns and Counties. Information Publications Palo Alto, CA.
3. The NPD Group. Pet Incidence Trend Report. Pet Food Institute March 14, 1994.
4. Johnson, et al.
5. Mosier JE, Williams LW, Nassar R. "Study of feline and canine populations in the Greater Las Vegas Area." AmJ Vet Res. Vol 45, No 2. 1984: 282-7.
6. Manning AM, Rowan AN. "Companion Animal Demographics and Sterilization Status: Results from a survey in four Massachusetts towns." Anthrozoos. Vol. V, No. 3.
7. Handy FL. "Measuring your community's pet population, owner attitudes." Shelter Sense. Vol 16. No 5. May 1993: 3-12.
8. Johnson, et al.
9. Manning, et al.
10. Mosier, et al.
11. Johnson, et al.
12. Clifton, M. "Network." The Animals' Agenda. Mar, 1992:10.
13. National Pet Alliance. San Mateo Report Card. , 1993.
14. Animal Legislation Awareness Network. An Analysis of King County, WA Animal Control Ordinance #10423. 1995.
15. Zaunbrecher KI, Smith RE. "Neutering of Feral Cats as an Alternative to Eradication Programs." JAVMA. Aug 1,1993. Vol 203 No 3: 449-452.
16. Neville P, Remfry J. "Effects of neutering on two groups of feral cats." Vet Rec. 1984:144:447-450.
17. Jochle W, Jochle M. Reproduction in a feral cat population and its control with a prolactin inhibitor (Cabergoline). 2nd International Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction. Liege, Belgium.
18. Pedersen N. Feline Husbandry . American Veterinary Pubs. 1991: 3-12.
19. Berkeley EP. Maverick Cats. New England Press. 1982.
20. Berkeley.
21. Zaunbrecher, et al.
22. Palo Alto Humane Society. Non-Lethal & Non-Punitive Solutions to The Cat Overpopulation Problem at a Glance. 1994.
23. Clifton Merritt, Ed."Animal People." America On Line 12-1-94 Animals and Society Board.
24. Pedersen.
25. Mosier, et al.
26. Berkeley.
27. Berkeley.
28. Berkeley.
29. Animal Legislation Awareness Network.
30. Mosier, et al.
31. Hosgood G. "The Pros and Cons of Early Spaying and Neutering." Breeder Forum. Vol 2, No 1. 11:15.

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