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Study of Euthanization of Cats

Humane Society of Santa Clara
January 1 - November 30, 1994

       Reason               Number        % Total       % Cumulative
1. Sick/poor condition      5482            43.9%           43.9%
2. Feral                    2466            19.7%           63.6%
3. Too young                2222            17.8%           81.4%
4. Behavior                 1333            10.7%           92.1%
5. Time is up                363             2.9%           95.0%
6. Blank                     286             2.3%           97.3%
7. Injured                   167             1.3%           98.5%
8. Agressive                  81             0.6%           99.2%
9. Too old                    77             0.6%           99.8%
10. Overcrowded               14             0.1%           99.9%
11. Non-code                   8             0.1%          100.0%
Total                      12499


Cats are only placed in one category, even if they fit several categories. For instance, of the 5482 cats in sick/poor condition, approximately 70% are also feral.

In the category of too young (under 4 weeks of age), these are primarily the offspring of stray/feral cats which are scooped up by someone and taken to the shelter. Ferals/strays and their offspring are estimated to be 70% of cat euthanasias at this shelter.

In the category "Blank", no reason was given for the euthanasia on the paperwork.

The Humane Society of Santa Clara Valley is the 3rd largest in the country, and the largest on the west coast, handling about 40,000 animals per year.

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